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Mutina, porcelain stoneware

Mutina, porcelain stoneware
Mutina, redefining how we see ceramics, is one of the world's most exclusive porcelain stoneware brands. Each Mutina collection is a designer project, a collaboration between the minds of renowned designers and the world of ceramic coverings. It's an ongoing exploration of the endless possibilities within white, black, and neutral tones.

These "non-colours" form the foundation of Mutina's design language, which has developed a strong and recognizable identity, further bolstered by the exceptional quality of their ceramic products.

Mutina's commitment to innovation reflects their desire to draw inspiration and experience from contemporary art. They've successfully overcome this challenge by incorporating new materials like wood, metal, and a curated selection of paints. These elements are seamlessly integrated into their collections through creative colour play and architectural details, all in harmony with the brand's spirit.